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 Members of Advisory Board


                                                (Introducing golf in Nigerian schools)


   It all started with the question why don't more kids play golf?


   The African Tour started by bringing junior golf program to communities that did not have them especially in economically disadvantaged area. What African Tour discovered was that blending the rules of the game with life and leadership skills, kids and teens didn't just learn how to play-they were learning important values.

Golf in school is an after-school enrichment program. The African Tour, a youth development organization impacts the lives of Young people, knowing that the development of the sports needs future generation of golfers. The African golf Tour foundation provides free golf education in primary, secondary and in Universities with a view to introduce and encourage the practice of the game among children, youngsters and adults.



African Tour is an international youth development organization introducing the game of golf and it inherent values to kids and teens, through after-school and in school program, we help shape the lives of Young people from all walks of life by reinforcing values like: integrity, respect, perseverance through the game of golf.



Golf has been perceived within the region as a rich man’s game. Introducing golf in the Nigerian school across the country will help correct this impression by creating an opportunity to show kids and families that golf is for EVERYONE!

The advisory board of the African Tour foundation provides strategic direction and oversight to achieve the objective of the Tour, it is composed by political and business leaders from across the region, known by its passion and commitment to developing the game of golf by providing innovative opportunities for young people. Character education and long-term life skills are at the heart of our program, which are delivered by coaches which have been trained in positive youth development.



This program is offered to schools at no cost to either the students or the school. A letter will be sent to the Parent through the school. The purpose of the letter is to introduce the program to the parents, inform them of the curriculum and invite them to participate in the outdoor aspect of the program.


  Day 1 in school: Introduction to Golf and its Rules and Regulation and it’s 9 core values

  Day 2 in school: Teaching and Explaining different types of Golf Clubs, how to hold the clubs and play with them. Will focus on safety and introduce a short version of the golf swing through chipping and pitching lessons and games. Student Will be hitting shots with swinging motion.

  Day 3 in school: Additional activities focused on the full swing motion with an emphasis on games and team building.

  Day 4 in school: Student Will embark in full golf lessons. They will get to experience various aspect of the game (putting, chipping and full swing driving). Various techniques Will be used to involve participants in learning the game of golf.



In order to keep improving the quality of our programs. The African Tour foundation seeks feedback from parents, guardian, families and participants. The African Tour has created a system for gathering feedback known as "Good-Better-How". The 'good' represent things that are positive about the program, the 'Better' is anything that is negative and in need of improvement and the 'How' are any feedback or suggestions to make the 'Better' well.


  DRIVE, CHIPP &PUTT COMPETITION: There will be competition among the schools in each state at the end of every six (6) months. This is to evaluate the progress of the program. It will be in 3 Age Categorizes; a) 5-9yrs b) 10-15yrs c)16-20yrs. One player from each age category will represent the school in the competition.

  The competition will consist of different stages, the highest score in each age category will win a trophy. The price money will be given to the best 3 schools for development of golf programs within the school. The winning is determined by cumulative result.

  • 1st position wins 50% of the price money

  • 2nd position wins 30% of the price money

  • 3rd position wins 20% of the price money


African Tour foundation emphasizes nine core values:

Honesty: Honesty has to do with being truthful. Not only when playing golf but in everything a young person engages in throughout life. When players embrace the rules of golf, they must report scores honestly.

Integrity: Integrity requires players to adhere to a set of standards upon which their behavior will be judged by a sense of personal honesty. Players who live with integrity know the rules of golf and embrace the etiquette of the game. They hold relationships in high regard and maintain their composure even when they think no one is looking.

Sportsmanship: Players behavior on the course should be conducted in such a way that they always demonstrate kindness and good sportsmanship. No matter the outcome of a shot or whether they are winning or losing. The behavior is so important that the rules of golf specifically state that players should demonstrate sportsmanship - to be a good sport - as part of the etiquette of the game.

Respect: Golf is one of the few sports in which players are responsible for reporting any break of a rule to fellow competitors or a rule’s official. Knowing the rules and etiquette of the game allow players to maintain a good pace of play, show respect for the course and fellow competitors, as well as enjoy the game as it should be played.

Confidence: Confidence is developed through a consistent effort to maintain a positive attitude, valuing small improvements in your game, and paying attention to thoughts, feelings and types of situations that help strengthen your confidence level. Players should reflect on all aspects of your game to determine where you have a high level of confidence or where they could spend time to develop their game to the fullest potential.

Responsibility: Responsibility of playing by the rules, following proper procedures and etiquette, and knowing the terms and vocabulary of the game is also important.

Perseverance: Playing with perseverance is a lot like playing with self-determination. Whether or not a young person decides to keep going after experiencing a less than favorable outcome largely depends on how much they like the challenge of test, view failure as an opportunity to learn new things and make an effort to figure out things on their own.

Courtesy: Whether players are waiting to get started on the first hole or waiting their turn while other are playing the course, following some simple rules and etiquette will help maintain order while playing and allow them to remain courteous toward one another.

 Judgement: Whether in golf or in life, players have many opportunities to make decisions based solely on the information they have on hand. Good judgment requires players to understand the potential consequences of their behaviors when they take chances, decide on a strategy, or fail to adhere to the rules of golf. Upon weighing the risks/rewards associated with those decisions, players refine their decision-making skills to arrive at the best decision for the situation. Those skills are like the "tools in their toolbox" that they can reflect on when faced with a similar situation on or off the course.

Through golf and our core values, kids and teens will learn skills including:

1 Making proper introduction

2. Managing emotions

3. Resolving conflicts

4. Setting up step by step goals

5. Planning for the future

6. Appreciating diversity


    Finally, African Tour coaches are trained to create positive relationship that inspires kids to discover their individual potential and appreciate the value of giving back to their community while learning the lifelong sport of golf .

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The African Tour
The African Tour
The African Tour
The African Tour


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