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9th leg race to Nigeria masters: D. Ali, L. Onjefu and J. Alex ties at the top of the leaderboard in day 1 of the tournament.

First round (leg9) of the Race to Nigeria masters (Pro/Am) tournament


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It’s the 9th Leg of the Race to Nigeria masters and it’s indeed a tough opening match for the golfers. 6 players are currently in the battle of subduing the Arsenal Golf Course; Owerri.


Topping the leaderboard are three players who stand out from the rest of the golfers, tying with 3 over par (75), D. Ali, J. Alex and L. Onjefu. Ali’s  game round comprises of 9 par, 5 bogey and 4 birdie , Alex played 10 par, 5 bogey and 3 birdie while Onjefu on the other hand had 4 bogies, 2 birdies and 12 pars.










In a media chat with the leg 8th winner; Onjefu, the golfer admitted that today’s game was dreadful but he is not giving up on himself yet and finally said he will do whatever it takes to dust his strong contender to champion the board.


 Coming close in second place with 1 score difference is J. Moses who played 4 over par (76). He started the round with a par in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, bogey in 4th hole, par in 5th, 6th, 7th, bogey in 8th and eventually finishes the front nine with a birdie to make 37. With birdie in 10th, 12th hole, bogey in 11th, 14th, 17th, 18th and par in 13th, 15th, 16th to make 39 saw him finishing the round with 4 over par (76).


There is a huge anticipation on U. Anoruo and G. Inalegwu who have records of winning in previous tournaments but are lagging behind, struggling at the bottom of the leaderboard.


As the race rages on, find out if miracles do happen in the game of golf as we bring you more live from the Arsenal Golf Course; Owerri.

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